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During the season from May through November, USAGE takes measurements biweekly of dissolved oxygen and temperature values at various depths in Caesar Creek Lake. The results are published as graphs and tabular data here.
This page has assembled recent data and presents it as an interactive series of plots, in flip-book style, to better show the annual cycle of lake overturning at Caesar Creek Lake.
When this page first opens, it will display a block of information and a plot of the current year's DO and temperature measurements. If your device is less than about 500 pixels wide, they will be stacked in a single column. Otherwise, text will be on the left and a plot on the right. If the browser is resized, but the text and the plot will resize to fit the window without horizontal scrolling.
At the top of the text are controls for selecting a year's data and scrolling. Clicking a year selects that year. clicking << removes all but the first measurement of that year clicking >> jumps to the last. Clicking the other two buttons scroll back and forward one date at a time. The date of the displayed sample is shown above the plot.
If your device has left and right arrow keys and your browser supports this, these keys can also be used for scrolling through the bi-weekly measurements.
The symbols are the same as the USACE plots; red dots are DO levels, blue dots are temperatures, circles are within the lake, squares are measurements at the tailwater.
This is a work in progress. If you have suggestions, questions, comments, or even constructive criticism, please send them to